What is Godly Femininity


It's a girl!!

I've always loved being a girl and as I continue to grow into a woman, I am now more aware of my femininity and its power. Ever wondered what Godly femininity represents or what it looks like or how to walk in it?

 My relationship with God took off properly at the age of 26 and since then God continues to refine me, prune me and tug at my character as a woman, a mother, a daughter, an entrepreneur, a wife and a leader. If you understand the intention behind creation, you may begin to see that God's design for man and masculinity is to be the picture of Jesus Christ, his love, power, mercy, compassion, strength and grace. 


Also read: Why you should hold a man to a high standard

And the design for femininity is to be a picture of devotion, joy, peace, trust, faithfulness, faithfilled-ness, beautiful spotless bride. I would think it's impossible to describe a godly feminine woman without making reference to the Proverbs 31 woman. I like her, I aspire to be like her, every woman does. But for me, I relate more to Ruth's story. If the Proverbs 31 woman had a name,  would she be me? Elizabeth. These silent questions linger in my head every time I recall that chapter. 

I recently realised that Ruth exercised godly femininity through her devotion to her mother-in-law, even when there was no guaranteed gain she was faithful, might I add,  unconditionally faithful.  She nurtured and showed hospitality to a grieving wife and mother. She was humble because she remained teachable. Most importantly, she was selfless and beautiful. 


Also read: Here is what to do if you think he likes you but is shy to ask you out

 If you desire to be a godly feminine woman then you might want to pay attention to your character. Thankfully, I would share with you from experience that the holy spirit is a good refiner of our character because he continues to work on mine. Just remain moldable. Godly femininity is focused on nurturing and discipleship, true and total trust in God, true humility and servanthood, being a praying woman, embracing your true beauty in God and selfless service.

Also read: 5 types of women to avoid on your level up journey 

If you're feeling pressured "to be" wipe off the sweat because you can do all things through Christ. Love God with all your heart and you will begin to love yourself and appreciate all the wonderful things about your femininity. The ultimate purpose of godly femininity is to bring glory to God and fulfil your purpose.

 God bless you! 

We are excited about another edition of the single ladies' retreat on the 18th/19th. It's a vigil! Please, leave a comment to let me know you'll like to attend.

Guest post by my esteemed sister, Elizabeth. If you have questions, you can find her here 


Dorcas E Jacob