5 qualities to look out for in your future husband

Every feminine Christian woman knows one thing - the man is the head of the home. This means he is the leader, protector and provider. Which invariably makes you the FOLLOWER, support, nurturer, the one to be protected, cared for and provided for. This is the basis of this blog and everything I write. Practically, this means that once you marry a man, everything he says is what you do and obey. You can only solicit or advise, YOUR HUSBAND'S DECISIONS ARE FINAL. This is also the reason you should not marry a man who is not totally and passionately in love with you. If your husband will hold this much power over your life, then you need to choose him wisely. These are the 5 qualities to look out for in a husband. 

1. Good time management

Time management? Yes, time management. 

You have a purpose God set out for you to fulfill, and one of your husband's duties is to lead and guide you to continue to actualize that purpose. As far as we remain in this world we will be governed by time and space. The more time you spend out of your purpose, the more time the lives of those you are meant to touch will spend suffering. If a man cannot manage his time well, what makes you think he will be able to manage your life? If he is always late to everywhere, you might want to rethink. Come to think of it, good time management is a life skill that parents should inculcate into their kids and you can't give what you don't have. Leave men who don't manage time well. 

2. Prayer stamina 

The notion of a "praying wife" is very flawed. It is a grave error for your husband to be sleeping and you are up praying to be the norm. A husband is the priest (pastor) of his home. He is the "roof" over the family, he must be a praying man. The norm should be your husband interceding and praying for the family. You should feel your husband's hands on you at night and you wake up to see him laying hands praying for you. Same with God's word, scripture says it is with God's word that we quench the fiery darts of the enemy. If he cannot pray for at least an hour, it is a red flag. One of the worst spiritual mistakes you can make is to marry a man you need to disciple. If he isn't grounded in the Lord, leave that job for the pastor, don't marry a spiritual burden.

Also read: Why you should hold a man to a high standard

3. Courage and strength 

Shy, weak, lazy, timid, fragile should not describe a good husband. Your husband should be able to speak for you and your children, to demand with wisdom whatever right or privileges is due you, to take on new opportunities even if he has to do it afraid and to courageously protect his family. You don't want a man that will run behind you when he hears a sound at night instead of protecting his family. If you are dating a man that always doesn't like to demand for his rights, you might suffer in silence and pain when the time comes. I don't understand why and how a man that is shy to speak in public will want you to submit your life to him. Also, my dear sisters, there is nothing masculine about a lazy or fragile man. Even if his laziness is not affecting his finances, it will affect other areas of your life. Imagine having to draw a generator because your healthy and whole husband lacks the strength to. A lazy man wants to put in little or no effort. My dear feminine ladies, please avoid any man that lacks courage and strength. 


4. Solution finding/ fixer

Men are wired to fix things and bring solutions. One of the things that makes a man a man is his ability to bring solutions. "Babe, I don't know what's wrong with my car or "the internet is not working" and your man fixes it. Either he checks it out himself, tells you what to do (if you are far away) or he calls someone who is skilled to check it out. You shouldn't be worrying about how you will fix something when you have a husband. If the response is "I don't know ooo" or "So what do you want to do now" 😂😂😂😂 hmmm, it's aluta continua for you. This may also be a sign that this man does not love you and will not take care of you. 

Also read: 10 affirmations every quality Christian woman should make 

5. He keeps to his word 

I never really understood the saying that a man's word is his bond until recently. You should be able to hold a man by his word. This is also a sign of integrity and faithfulness. There is just something so honorable and respectful about a man that keeps to his word. Don't take a man seriously until he keeps his word and don't hold any man who doesn't keep his word in high regard. Many ladies have been deceived because they were holding on to promises, let that not be you. If anything comes up about why he will not be able to do what he said he would do, there should be prior early notice and it should not be the norm. A man that keeps to his word does not talk or make promises and pledges anyhow because he knows he is bound to his words. 

There you have it, ladies. Don't be emotional and sentimental when it comes to the decisions of your life. This is your whole life we are talking about. If you are a feminine lady, you will never be satisfied with a man that lacks these things. I pray that God's help will be sufficiently available to you. 

Please, be on the lookout for this post - 4 basic non-negotiables to never ignore in a man. 

As always, please, leave a comment. 


Dorcas E Jacob