6 types of women to avoid on your level up journey

On this journey of becoming the best YOU, a couple of things will matter - the things you read and listen to, the habits you form and the people you interact closely with. The last one is very crucial because it does influence the others. Let us not even go into how the people you surround yourself with impact you and how you become more like them. The Bible captures this in "Iron sharpens iron". Have you ever found yourself talking like a friend, gesturing like them or even laughing like them? I know I have. As you read on, these are the six types of women to avoid on your level up journey. 

1. The dishonest woman - The problem with the dishonest woman is that no matter how much you like her, you can't trust her. She lies easily about just about anything. The dishonest woman is not a faithful steward, you can't trust her with the honest use of resources and money. This woman attracts certain types of men and when she gets with a good man, he withdraws when he discovers her dishonesty. The last thing you want is for others to think you lack integrity because the dishonest woman is your close friend. 

2. The Uncultured Woman - This woman doesn't care about her feminine carriage and isn't even aware of it. Class, elegance, grace, comportment, carriage are all far from her behavior. She is loud, chews anyhow, behaves shamelessly and talks anyhow. This is the woman that is always struggling for food at parties, hustling for how many packs she will take home. If words like razz, crude, raggedy, loud and shameless describe anyone, please, avoid them.

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3. The Gossip - Keep this woman at arm's length, you can't even trust her anyway she gossips about you as well. Gossiping is a waste of time, it is an insult to the potential God has put in you. Can you see how you are cheating yourself? Someone is probably working on their goals, and projects while you spend your time talking about them.  Please, avoid this unprofitable interaction. The devil uses this type of woman to plant evil seeds in your heart. Be with women whose discussions center around how to achieve goals, leveling up, bible study, and doing God's work. 

4. The Foolish Woman - No matter the advice or suggestion she is given, this woman always makes poor and shameful decisions. She gives herself too easily to men and lets her emotions lead the way. She also hates corrections and has made up reasons why the foolish ways she acts are justifiable. Foolishness and lack of self-control are relatives. If you associate with her, it will lead to harm. Proverbs 13:20 - He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. 

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5. The Negative Woman - this woman believes everyone is against her. She causes strife everywhere she goes. Even if she relocates to a new neighborhood or club or church etc. in no time she will identify a new enemy. She always has a negative story to tell about most of the people she has befriended or encountered and how they wronged her. The negative woman complains alot, she also believes everyone has bad intentions. Negativity attracts evil. Continue close relations with her and get your positive energy drained. 

6. The Victim Playing Woman - This woman never takes responsibility for anything. No matter the situation or her part to play in the turn out of things, she always positions herself as the victim and tells the story from this perspective. One thing is clear, the victim playing woman is a liar and dishonest. If you watch closely you will see that the victim-playing woman somehow finds herself in bad situations. This is because she never accepted her part in the events that played out, no acknowledgment = no need for improvement so she keeps entering the same situations and the cycle continues. This woman will drag you into so much trouble if you don't avoid her. 

There you have it. Which other types of women do you avoid? I will like to hear in the comments. 

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Dorcas E Jacob