Why you should hold a man to a high standard

Becoming the woman God wants you to be takes work, discipline, pain, and commitment. If you know the amount of work you've put into your self-development, you won't settle for just anyone. 

I think we should get a few things out of the way. If you believe your husband is not your head, this is not for you. If you are not a Christian woman, this is probably not for you and if you are a feminist who believes she is equal with men (there are feminists who don't share this view), this might also not be for you. 

Well, then there is this...

If you are a woman living in mediocrity and you aren't working on yourself to become the best you can be, (but you want to hold others to a high standard, really?) this is also not for you. 

Alright ladies, let's go....

Also read: The secret quality women use to date the right men

As a Christian woman, God commands you to submit to your husband while your husband was instructed to love you. The marriage relationship is like the relationship between God and the church where God is the head, loves the church so dearly but has the final say (this may be understandably difficult for you to agree with as it was for me). 

Stay with me 

A husband is a leader, protector and provider of the home while a wife is a support and nurturer. This is the basis of everything (and perhaps everything you will read from me concerning the topic).


Leadership encompasses the ability of an individual, group or organization to "lead", influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. Wikipedia 

Let me paint a picture. Choosing a husband is like electing a president. Before being elected, the president campaigns to try and get your vote. At this point all the power is in your hands, however, once you elect this individual as president, they are able to make policies, decisions and take actions that can impact and influence your life positively or negatively. 

Now, that's not something you take carelessly. Anyone you are entrusting with the power to make decisions that can make or break your life must measure up. 

Have you figured out what those qualities are? 

Has he found his God-given assignment that you will be assisting and supporting him with? Remember you are a support. 

Does he have a strong relationship with God, is he God-fearing? Being the head of the home also means being the pastor and the leader of the home altar. Delete that notion that the woman is meant to do all the praying. 

Also read: 5 qualities to look out for in your future husband

What is his pattern and track record? Your husband should lead you to where and what God wants you to be. Has he been able to lead himself, is he disciplined, what has he achieved that shows he can help you achieve yours? Etc.

Is he masculine, does he understand his masculinity and role as a man? Your femininity will thrive with a masculine man that loves and takes care of you. Keep in mind that he is also a protector of the home. He should be hardworking. Avoid weak feminine men at all costs. 

Can he provide? It is irresponsibility for a man that does not have a source of income or cannot take care of himself to be looking for a woman. Run away from him, he is irresponsible. 

Don't forget your personal desires and qualities too.

My sister, please, don't settle, if you are going to submit to a man, let him be worth it. 


I will totally love to hear from you, leave a comment.


  1. I learnt something amazing from this

  2. Thank you for this, Dorcas. I look forward to reading more from you.

    1. I'll keep it coming. Thank you for reading. 🤗

  3. So apt. I love the fact where you said “if you know the amount of work you’ve put into your self-development, you won’t settle for just anyone”. I’ll love to rephrase that my saying “if you know the size of dreams and purpose God has placed in your hand as a man/woman, you won’t settle for just anyone.” Now this doesn’t mean that we should wait for a “perfect” partner. All what you’ve outlined here are just basic attributes and characteristics of a Christian man. Other factors can be built on these foundational principles. Well done Dorcas.

    1. “if you know the size of dreams and purpose God has placed in your hand as a man/woman, you won’t settle for just anyone.”👌
      Thank you so much!

  4. Article possesses both excellent writing and a great deal of insight.

  5. I had an interesting read… You’re so apt Dorcas! Thank you for this my Billionaire lady🤗


Dorcas E Jacob