Why you shouldn't date a poor man

Have you ever wondered why after "building with a man" and all the sacrifices, he leaves you now that he is financially stable? Or why a man still cheats on his wife who makes way more money than him with "small girls" even when she gives him everything or sends her salary to his account? There are two answers; (1) men are made to lead, protect and PROVIDE. A real man will never feel like a man and he won't be satisfied with you if he is not able to do and give you these 3 things. (2) A poor man doesn't really know himself. Let's get deep. 

A poor man is motivated by the need for survival. Even when he is choosing a woman, he chooses one within his current reach, one he can afford right now because the type of woman he really wants is far from his level. Almost all poor men act humble, they don't have a choice. They need to act that way for survival. So, don't be surprised when that poor man starts ignoring you now that he has a great job. You were never his spec in the first place, you were just what he could afford at that time for survival. Having anything to do with a poor man is very dangerous. It will most likely end in premium tears. 

In my post "Being a girlfriend is a scam", I highlighted that being a girlfriend to a man who isn't ready for marriage is how you waste your time. Marriage is for 2 people whose values align and who are both ready. A poor man is not ready. He is bound to waste your time and most probably leave you when he becomes more financially stable. Do you really want to put yourself through all this?

You don't want to come off as a gold digger so you want to prove yourself to society by being with a broke man - error, error, error - you were made to be cared/provided for, don't play with yourself like that. The independent strong woman is a made-up concept by feminine weak men who don't know what it means to be a man. When God put Adam in the garden, his first assignment was to work. Pastor Myles Monroe rightly said that a man who hasn't found his work has no business looking for a woman. A man who doesn't have the means to care for a family but wants to make one is irresponsible, he doesn't understand priority. Apostle Joshua Selma in his sermon "the four things a man must have before you marry him" stated that a man must understand the cost dimension of life before you can marry him. He must know that taking care of children costs money, that it is not water that is exchanged for groceries in a supermarket. A man who doesn't know this is not qualified to lead a family. 

Also read: 5 ways you disrespect yourself in a relationship 

As a feminine woman, understand that you are made to be taken care of by a masculine man that you respect and honor. Your main job is to satisfy your husband, support him, bare his children and nurture them to the best standard while always looking as beautiful as possible. A poor man cannot maintain your beauty. You need to be with a man that can hire domestic staff for you so you don't overwork yourself looking older because of stress. 

Here is why a poor man will cheat on you especially when you provide for him; a man's sense of self and pride is greatly tied to his ability to provide. So, when you are the provider, he doesn't feel like a man around you. Therefore, he cheats on you with other women who probably don't know that it's not his money and provide for them in other to feel like a man. 

Also read: The secret quality women use to date the right men 

Just in case you didn't know, never try to provide for a man or solve his problems. He WILL NOT APPRECIATE IT. Allowing a man figure out solutions himself, shows that you trust him to navigate and make things happen. Providing for him is you trying to take his role, he will not appreciate that. Giving him money to solve his need is also a great sin, and you'll pay for it. Please, don't ever do business with a man you are not married to. It is a masculine act and usually doesn't end well.

My dear sisters, I hope with these points of mine, you can see why dating or worse marrying a poor broke man is a big no-no. 

As always, my ladies, please, leave a comment. I will like to hear your thoughts. 


Dorcas E Jacob