How to identify broke men


I used to believe in building with a man and all those other related fallacies but that was before I gained insight. First, you need to know why you should leave poor men alone. You can find it HERE. Having anything to do with a broke man is dangerous, his focus should be his work not how to get a woman. I've come to see that the saying "There is nothing hidden under the sun" is true. There are things we say or do not say that speak way more than what we said, tell a lot about us or what might be going on. So, now that you know why you shouldn't date, court or marry a broke man, here is how to identify a broke man. 


1. He asks "What do you bring to the table"

Poor man alert! Poor man alert! The last thing a wealthy masculine man is interested in is what finances you will contribute. He knows that what you bring to the table as a woman is less physical, they are not things that can not be seen. They are more psychological (more of this in my next posts). When a man asks what you bring to the table, it is usually because what he has is not enough so he needs yours to make up for it. You are not secure with this 50-50 type of man. You will keep working your ass off. Avoid this 50-50 man at all costs, your femininity will never thrive with him.

2. He asks how much you earn 

You are on a date with a man and he asks how much you earn. What does he need your money for? A wealthy masculine man who is capable of taking care of you is not interested in how much you have. What does THE PROVIDER need your money for? Does he plan on using your money to provide for the family? Remember, a man that cannot take care of a family is not qualified for marriage. It is not only irresponsible, but it is also wicked. One of the rules of engagement with men is that you should NEVER marry a man you don't respect. A man who needs your contribution to run the family, who cannot properly play his primary role so he needs you to play it for him, will never be fully deserving of your respect. 

Also read: Why you shouldn't date a broke man

3. He is triggered by anything that says women should avoid poor men or that men should spoil and treat a woman. 

The problem here is that these types of men are weak men looking for women that they will only give the barest minimum to, so they hate anything that tells women to want the better that they don't have. If he is triggered by anything that tells women to choose only men that can spoil them, he is broke, sis. As you spend time, commitment, money and even go through pain to develop and refine yourself into the woman God wants you to be, you deserve only GOD'S QUALITY SON. The men who have yielded themselves to go through the fire of God's word, they have identified their calling and as a result, every area of their life has been touched. That is the man you should be with, you've put in the work. Not some little boy who doesn't even understand who a real man is looking for a woman to play with. Leave those types of men for the women who don't want to put in the work. 

Also read: 5 qualities to look out for in your future husband

4. Everything he does is cheap continually

There is nothing wrong with a casual date here and there but if everytime a man wants to take you to cheap, low-budget places, he is most likely broke and classless. He doesn't create any unique experience for you, everytime mall, fastfood, roadside spots and the likes, things that are low effort and low budget continually. You might want to reevaluate. And let me tell you, never go out on a first date with a man to any of these kinds of places - NEVER! You will never be satisfied with a man that cannot give you the experiences you want. Don't even play yourself like that. 

You are made for the best, the very best. Don't entertain mediocrity. 

What other signs tell a man is broke? Leave it in the comments. 


  1. Thank you, Dorcas, I am seeing that it's not about the money itself, it is the other effects and risks of being with a broke man.

  2. Poor can also be in the mind.


Dorcas E Jacob