The secret quality women use to date the right men

Until you know and start applying this secret, the way a man treats you will always be like a game of chance.

You know you want more, you know you deserve more so why is he not treating you the way you want to be treated? 

It's not a secret actually, it's a formula. 

Picture this, you meet a guy or a man starts talking to you, he seems like he has some of your qualities and before anyone can say Jack Robinson you have started imagining yourself with him. Fantasizing about how you guys got married and even some of the arguments you both will have in the relationship 😂. And not long, you have begun waiting on your phone for his next text or call, losing rest over someone that probably doesn't even see you in that light. 


Also read: 6 types of women to avoid on your level up journey

If you have ever wondered why a man doesn't treat you the way you want to be treated in the context of a relationship, this is why. You are committing your emotions prematurely.

So how should you date?

First, you need to know why you shouldn't commit your emotions prematurely. It is self-sabotaging - it makes you act from a place of emotions and desperation and when a man sense that, it won't go in your favor. The chase will be gone and so is any quality treatment you desire. 

This is the simple formula.

Before you give a man your emotions, you must vet and qualify him. Only give a man access to your emotions when: 

1. He has made his intentions CLEARLY known and his actions correlate.

2. You are satisfied with his character.

3. You like the level of connection formed.

Then and only then should you get your emotions involved. And until then, he is just like any other guy, no special treatment.

Also read: 5 qualities to look out for in your future husband

Sis, does it feel like you are struggling with self-control, your self-worth or femininity? Then plan to attend this 2-day retreat for single ladies themed; pruning and refining. 

If this helped you in any way, please, leave a comment. 


  1. Thank you, Dorcas

  2. This is indeed food for thought for me . God bless you for making me be on the know.

  3. Why did I say out loud, Holy Spirit, there’s work to be done after reading this . Lol
    Thank you .

    1. Glad you got something, the Lord is more than ready to help you.


Dorcas E Jacob