10 proclamations every quality christian woman should make

One of the keys to entering and fully living in your God-given femininity is understanding the depths of God's love for you and reminding yourself of how special you are. Remember, a man's love for you and how he treats you should reflect God's love for the church. 

Your Self-worth and self-esteem stem from how you see yourself and if you realize how much God loves you and allow it to become second nature, you will understand that settling for less is not God's desire for you.

You may need to pick a few of these proclamations that really resonates with you and write them down so you can constantly remind yourself of them until they sink into your subconscious. 

Also read: 5 qualities to look out for in your future husband

1. I am the constant focus of His delight - Matthew 17:5 MSG 

2. You paid the whole price for me, I can rely on your love. - John 3:16 KJV 

3. I am God's treasured possession - Deuteronomy 7:6 ESV 

4. God has blessed me with all good things. - Ephesians 1:3 ESV, 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV 

5. There is a crown of pure gold on my head. - Psalm 21:3 Amplified 

6. I am Christ valued, my price is far above diamonds. - Proverbs 31: 10 KJV 

7. My life radiates the glory of God - Isaiah 60:3 NIV

8. I am loved and chosen - John 15:16 ESV


9. I am the blessed of God and out of my belly flows rivers of living water. - John 7:38 KJV

10. Your beauty and love chase after me every day - Psalm 23:6 MSG 

Which proclamations are your favorite? 

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Dorcas E Jacob