10 Things You Should Know Now About The Digital Landscape

Lagos, Nigeria

A digital landscape is a collection of tools that businesses use to market and sell their products and services online. These tools may include: Social Media, website, Apps, Email, Search Engine, video sharing platforms etc.

These are the changes that will inform your decisions as entrepreneurs, marketers, Communications professionals. Everyone should keep abreast about these changes in the digital landscape right now.

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📍98% of people visited #SocialMedia in the last month. (That's almost everyone in the world)

📍Tiktok has experienced 2 billion downloads.

📍The Middle East and Africa are the fastest growing in terms of mobile data traffic.

📍 Tiktok and Snapchat are generally for the Gen Z

📍 80% of customers are likely to purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences.

📍Mobile is the way to go for your business and Marketing efforts.

📍20% of mobile queries are voice searches (voice search is dominating SEO)

📍Instagram has launched Instagram Reel as it's bid to compete with Tiktok.

📍More people are consuming videos as  opposed to text and static images.

📍Most recently LinkedIn has launched LinkedIn Live.

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Dorcas E Jacob