Understanding how people interact with your various business platforms is key

Lagos, Nigeria
Understanding how people interact with your various business platforms is key. Time, effort and money are used to set up great content and strong marketing messages for #SocialMedia, website, email, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO) etc

It would be cool to know if your customers are carrying out the actions you want them to perform, the percentage of your customers performing the action and who they are. Imagine people not opening your business emails and you don't even know and keep sending emails. Understanding what types of #content and #keywords creates the most engagement and #conversations for you so you can know where to channel your energy is what analytics can do for you.

The most important aspect of #analytics is using the data and make it work for you. There's no point in having data if you are not going to use the insight.

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Dorcas E Jacob