Sales and Marketing Training

Lagos, Nigeria

 I believe that learning is a lifelong experience that never ends and to consistently progress in my journey, I develop myself. Here are some things I have taught myself in the last 6 months:

📍Facilitating online training - This is something I see myself doing for a long time because I want to be able to impact others.

📍Creating and editing a YouTube video - I taught myself how to create a YouTube video and edit it because it's an avenue for me to explore my creative side and put myself out there. ( Still progressing)

 📍How to structure a presentation - I learned this because it was part of an interview but I am glad I did because even if I had given many presentations before that I learned new ways to get people engaged and have them listen to you.

Read more: Government regulations and your business


📍Blogging - Content creating is at the heart of engagement, social media and Marketing Communications so I started a blog to help me sharpen my content Creating skills. I asked my sister - Melody Jacobs - who is a fashion blogger to put me through the nitty-gritty of setting up the Blogger and uploading my first post.

📍How to make a meal plan and process certain foods - This was very important to me because I needed to save cost and time. So I learned how to make akara and moi moi, pap from corn and store them for whenever I needed them.

Dorcas E Jacob