A costly mistake you are making when it comes to your standards


Make no mistake, this journey we are on is a God-orchestrated desire for you. God wants you to reclaim your feminity, and come into the fullness of His initial and original plan for you as a woman. This will bring restoration to society, eliminate struggle and pain, and give you the man of your dreams. One way to actualize this is to have standards and boundaries. I'm sure you have heard a lot about setting boundaries and having standards in dating but the mistake you are making is that you only have standards for men. 

What about standards for other areas of your life like friendships? The truth is you can't say you want premium treatment from men but you tolerate that your friend that doesn't treat you the way you want to be treated. See, this thing is an energy, you have to embody it. Your standards should be for all areas of your life, not just for men. Let people qualify for access into your life. 

Also read: The secret quality women use to date the right me 

Friends are for inconveniences. Any friend that starts to complain every single time they have to inconvenience themself for you is not worth having. Especially when you inconvenience yourself to help them or support them. Be a good friend and don't tolerate people that don't reciprocate your energy. Go above and beyond for your friends and let them do the same for you. 

You need to know how to compartmentalise relationships. Someone can be your teammate but doesn't have to be your friend, you can care for someone as a leader of a group but that person doesn't need to be your friend etc. We are women of God so we live by God's commands. Be kind to everyone. If people ask for your help, help them according to your ability but that doesn't mean they have to be your friend. Your friends should be people you specially and intentionally hand-picked because they share your values and meet other friendship criteria you have. 

Also read: Why you need to be more feminine 

And if a friend fails to measure up, just put them in a different compartment all still loving them and caring for them. Ladies, you must practice this in your life. Remember, it is better to not have friends than to have the wrong people in your life. 


  1. Thank you for sharing. My life have become better since I started setting standards in my friendships. I became a better friend too.


Dorcas E Jacob