Being in a hurry to marry will cost you much, here's why


If you enter into a marriage relationship for the wrong reasons, you will most likely enter with the wrong person. So, what's the right reason? The loneliest people in the world are married people according to Pastor Myles Monroe. If you are not married yet, I thank God for you. Thank the Lord always because you have the chance to get it right - to marry the right person and to build the right Godly marriage. Let me just get this out of the way, the only reason you think you are delayed is because you are judging yourself by the world's timeline. If you are not the author of time, how do you know you are "delayed". I believe if some married people knew these things you'll read here, they would have married differently. 

Let's go...

You must have heard that your marriage can make or mare your destiny, if you don't believe it, ask married people. Being in a hurry to marry clouds your judgment because the priority is how quickly as opposed to 'how quality' or how purposeful. When you don't know the purpose of a thing, abuse is inevitable. See, let's break down the purpose anatomy. As a Christian woman, you are a help meet. This means that you must understand your purpose as a person so you can know what type of marriage God is calling you into and what your marriage is meant to achieve. This is also important because who you marry must align with your purpose. If your purpose is to do ministry, it may not be wise to marry a secular artist, for example. On the other hand, the man you intend to marry MUST have found this assignment and purpose which is what you are going to assist him with as a help meet. Nowadays, what we have is people getting married without even knowing who they are. You may not have everything figured out but you must understand where God is taking you and marry someone who is going the same way.

Also read: 5 qualities to look out for in your future husband 

Who is a woman meant to be? What is femininity and what qualities do I need to have as a woman and as a wife. You may not have a fulfilling marriage if you don't understand yourself as a woman and as a person. What are your flaws, strengths, weaknesses etc. What is your temperament, what is your relationship with money? If you are bad with money and you marry someone bad with money how will your finances be? Do you have the charm of a meek and quiet spirit or are you masculine, wearing the badge of a strong independent boss lady everywhere you go? Trust me two men cannot have a fulfilling marriage. It's either he leads and you follow or you do the leading and he does the following. Have you learned how to submit your authority and what it means to submit? Before you get married, you must learn about yourself and how to be a woman. That way you marry someone who compliments you and you give your husband room to be the man and treat you like the woman you are. 

Also read: Why you should hold a man to a high standard 

Now you know why you shouldn't be in a hurry to marry, what is the right reason to marry?

The right reason to marry is to glorify God, this means that others will see your marriage and want to come to Christ. Your marriage should draw others to Christ. Secondly, your marriage should reflect the relationship between God and the church. The deep unexplainable love God has for the church is what your husband should have for you. Loving you and edifying you.

Desiring marriage is a good thing, however, as you wait remember that God's plans for you are plans of good and not of evil to bring you to a bright future. Trust God, He wants the best for you.

Thank you for reading! If you got something, please, leave a comment and share with a friend. 


Dorcas E Jacob