Break up with your boyfriend, here's why

This is a really short but important read

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? We've been levelling up, learning, unlearning and relearning all those actions, mindsets and decisions that make us end up with less and poor treatment. And a key part of that is the choices you make. One very crucial lesson is that men learn how to treat you from you so if you want something in a relationship, you must start the relationship with the actions and mindsets that will give you what you want. On the flip side, it is very difficult to start by accepting less and switch later to want better treatment. It is not easy, this person is used to treating you and seeing you a certain way they think you are worth. Convincing them to do otherwise is a futile venture that is not worth the stress. 

If you've been following my blog (congratulations on your journey), you will know that being a girlfriend is a scam. Dating a man for years and years is you selling yourself short. The only person that benefits from that arrangement is the man. Your feminine energy acts as fuel for him to go after his dreams & ambitions, and the funny thing is he will most likely not end up with you. Hmmm, really? Yes, really sis. Here's how; when you agree to be a man's girlfriend, you give yourself an indefinite sentence. For one, dating for long is an indication that there is a problem and the problem is that he doesn't want to marry you. Men know what they want right off the bat. Please, don't ever let any man deceive you that he doesn't know. If he is taking too long to propose, he probably doesn't want to marry you or doesn't have what it takes to sustain a marriage. That's why you shouldn't date a man who isn't ready for marriage and be his girlfriend waiting indefinitely for when he gets ready. Secondly, he is not ready to be married so you will be strung alone until he decides he is ready. Meanwhile, what you don't know is that men date based on who their current level can afford at the moment (and people change is the only constant thing). So, after 4 years or God knows how many years you've spent in the relationship, you start asking "What do men really want?". 

Lastly, you chose that boyfriend with wrong, limited and self-sabotaging knowledge and if you chose with a wrong yardstick, you most probably chose the wrong person. To maximize and truly get the value and benefit of everything you've been learning, you have to start on a clean slate. You can't put new wine in old wine skin. 

Well, but if you do decide to continue being a girlfriend then it will be good to let you know that reading this blog will be a waste of time for you. 

This was a really short but important read. Have you or someone you know experienced this? Does this make sense or is it totally new to you? Please, leave a comment, I'll love to hear from you. 

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Dorcas E Jacob