profound tips on how setbacks and uncertainties have shaped his career

Obabiyi Fagade profound tips on how setbacks and uncertainties have shaped his career

1. You don’t know the benefits of the knowledge you’re gaining until you require it. You’ll subconsciously bring it out when it’s time.

2. Don’t ever shy away from an honest self-evaluation. It’s easy to throw the blame at others. Instead, look at yourself and ask, “What are the things I’m doing that I shouldn’t be doing and what are the things I’m supposed to do and I haven’t done.” Don’t go into self-pity.

3. Sometimes, you feel like you deserve something; a role or promotion, but you won’t always get what you deserve. The reality is, does anyone owe you anything? You might have earned it but don’t have that entitlement mentality. When you grumble, it can affect your performance.

4. At times, you feel the wind is in your sail and things are working very well - don’t let chances pass you by. Take full advantage of everything.

5. No one ever becomes remarkable by doing only what they are told to do. Anticipate and come up with ideas. Go the extra mile to add value and it will set you apart.

6. Don’t compare yourself with others. The way you run in a sprint and a marathon is different. You need to know what your race is.

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Dorcas E Jacob